Date Start Name Time Start Time End Status
05/18/2014 (Sun) FHS FIDL to Kalahari Resort TBD TBD Active
04/12/2014 (Sat) FHS FIDL to Fayette Opera House TBD TBD Active
03/29/2014 (Sat) FHS FIDL to Wapakoneta HS (State Finals) TBD TBD Active
03/09/2014 (Sun) FHS FIDL to Springfield Holland HS TBD TBD Active
03/08/2014 (Sat) FHS FIDL to Kettering Fairmont HS TBD TBD Active
02/23/2014 (Sun) FHS FIDL to Troy Athens HS, Michigan TBD TBD Active
02/08/2014 (Sat) FHS FIDL to Troy Athens HS, Michigan TBD TBD Active